You are here: Export Data > Stock Items

Stock Items

Stock Items can be exported for use in many programs that allow for data to be imported directly in the format provided.

Idealpos will export Stock Items in comma delimited text format (.csv or .txt).



This drop-down menu allows you to choose from 5 different selections:



Regardless of which Export Type you select, you will always have these options to choose from.




All Items

Selecting this option will export all stock items in the default format.


Note - The MODIFIERGRIDS field will be exported as an encrypted value when using this option. Idealpos supports a Stock Item import file that contains encrypted ModifierGrids data.



New Items Only

This option allows you to export the new items that have been added since the date that you select.


Note - The MODIFIERGRIDS field will be exported as an encrypted value when using this option. Idealpos supports a Stock Item import file that contains encrypted ModifierGrids data.



New and Modified Items Only

This option allows you to export the new and/or modified items that have been added since the date that you select.


Note - The MODIFIERGRIDS field will be exported as an encrypted value when using this option. Idealpos supports a Stock Item import file that contains encrypted ModifierGrids data.



Specific Fields by Range

This option allows you to select which fields you want to export.

You can also select which range of items to export from Code, Description and Department and many more.


The following checkboxes/options are available:

Include Headers: This option will include a header at the top of the export file for each field that has been selected in the Automatic Export Format.

Webstore Items Only: This option will only export items that are enabled for the Webstore.

Remove Padding: This option will remove any padding (white space) on each line in the exported data.

Prices in Cents: This option will export prices in cents (e.g. If a Price is $1.00, the value will be exported as 100). Put simply, the decimal place will be omitted from any prices included in the export.




Automatic Export Format

This option allows you to select which fields you want to export in the Saved Automatic Export Format.

You can also select which range of items to export from Code, Description and Department and many more.

Once you have selected the fields that you want to include in the Saved Automatic Export Format, press the "Save Format" button.

The selected fields will be exported when the "Use Saved Automatic Export Format" option is enabled in Automatic Export Settings and an Automatic Export takes place.


The following checkboxes/options are available:

Include Headers: This option will include a header at the top of the export file for each field that has been selected in the Automatic Export Format.

Webstore Items Only: This option will only export items that are enabled for the Webstore.

Remove Padding: This option will remove any padding (white space) on each line in the exported data.

Prices in Cents: This option will export prices in cents (e.g. If a Price is $1.00, the value will be exported as 100). Put simply, the decimal place will be omitted from any prices included in the export.